Prelim 2017
Eirik's office hours:
I have the following scheduled office hours. I have (plenty) of additional time for scheduled office hours, so please don't hesitate to contact me for a meeting.
Mon 7/17 10am-4pm
Mon 7/24 10am-4pm
Mon 7/31 10am-4pm
(Unofficial) Old Prelim solutions:
2013 second attempt Complete
2015 first attempt Complete*
2015 second attempt Incomplete (No answer to the ridiculous question 1B)
2016 first attempt Complete*
2017 First attempt (No solution to part 3 (Prof. Williams) yet), fixed a small typo
List of prelim solutions corrections (*)
2016 first attempt
The answer to 5g) should include: "Assuming the same discrete state space for A' and shocks as in the lecture notes". Briefly: If the Markov process can increase/decrease productivity by +/ 2,1 or 0 grid points. Take two firms at the lower threshold. Give one the -2 shock and the other the -1 shock. We then observe 2 different net investment rates for firms on the lower threshold. Thanks to Marco!
The answer to Ananth's guess and verify has a minor typo. In one of the last lines there it should be beta*rho*F*log(A)
2015 first attempt
Some of you have reacted to the way the phase diagram is calculated. What is done is the solution is to solve for c(t+1)-c(t)=0 while being careful about that the timing. In the lectures and in the discussion section we have treated k(t+1)=k(t) when solving for c(t+1)-c(t). I think both approaches are fine, and there is no distinction in continuous time. For more, see these lecture notes by Eric Sims (as always!).